Tag: gameplay

Old, new, bold, and out of the blue

What works, and what’s in the works.

A moderated discussion

Game tips and a peek behind the scenes.

Think little

Take the no-look challenge.

Double-O or bust

Our word is our bond.

Making NG work

The following post is brought to you in living olive, salmon, cinnamon, and pumpkin on STB.

A short word about longer words

Up your game with a little R&D.

Good things come

Wait for it…

Look around

User guide tl;dr? NBD. No need to RTM. Let us fill you in PDQ to get every drop of SSP (spilling and spelling pleasure) out of STB.

Coming soon

Ensuring promptness.

Lost garbanzos and idiomatic transmission

It came down to shape, sharpness, and human history.

Bean there

Location, location, location.

Scottish lint* and everyday people

See words you don’t know? Don’t sweat it.

The avalanche

Nothing beats the feeling when one letter changes meh to magnificent.

Keep those letters coming

A word about the letters you see on Spell the Beans.