Quick-thinking cow nabs suspect, preposition still at large

Thanks to another of our favorite sites, neatorama.com, for today’s “Shoulda Spelled My Beans” typo to pettily point out to steal some attention. With just the kind of title we can’t resist, lush Irish greenery, and enough bad puns to make us actually look restrained (no easy feat), wishful thinking dictated there just had to be a grammar gaffe somewhere to seal the deal. After the first word in, sure enough we had our prey (it presumably should read, “Thieves in Navan…”).

neatorama.com article screenshot: "Thieves Navan, Count Meath, Ireland..."

Several ins and a young into were spotted dangling suspiciously in a nearby paragraph, but were ultimately ruled out. Grammar police are asking for locals’ help in finding the wayward preposition (call 1-800-OUTTHEIN with any information; you could be eligible for a year’s supply of ofs, bys, or fors) and continue to follow all leads.

Read all about the fearless cow’s answering the call of duty here. We’ll leave the puns to neatorama as they seem to have milked the story for all it’s worth.

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