Compound words

Get ready to go small as we put the mockup machine on magnify. Molecule diagrams always intrigued us as a framework for placing letters, so now we’re finally trying some on for size. Size-wise, our natural first choice, caffeine, only has 24 atoms, where the game has you placing 25 letters. On the other hand, extra atoms would let us vary the pattern each game even though the molecule’s the same. So, weighing in at 26 atoms, this imagined potential variation is another bodily buzz you may recognize as adrenaline. This was for starters, but other molecules could join the mix.

Musical chairs, but with hydrogen

We stuck to regular scoring and rules here, though we could see awarding bonus points for the single blue nitrogen and the three red oxygen atoms. Each time one randomly chosen white hydrogen atom would be the odd one out, allowing for a modicum of variation. In this case it was the third hydrogen from the top that didn’t take a letter. Once we filled in the blanks and reviewed our results in these sample games, we stepped into a different world. Faux-cabulary, a land of exotic make-believe words with bluffed meanings growing amid the garden of normal words.

Compound words User screenshot 2
Some letters are hard to see – that’s common in these quickly produced prototypes. We’re focusing on the concept. Mockups are potential variations that could make their way into the app someday.

That’ll impress ’em

Surone: Sense of satisfaction felt when seemingly casually dropping a piece of trivia you’ve been waiting for just the right opportunity to say.
Horonet: A brass instrument worn like a crown when not being played.
Stirate: To agitate, incite or provoke, as a large crowd; Foment dissatisfaction.
Marite: A paste made from boiled chestnuts used in sweets or spread on crackers, etc.

Compound words Blu Yonder screenshot 2
The blue top bar signifies Blu Yonder’s results with the same letters as you.

They’ve got a nice resteg

Nert: Temporarily disabled for variety in gameplay, as the upper center hydrogen atom in these games.
Taren: An ancient Norse god representing the virtues of sharing and teamwork.
Ostem: Any of a variety of breakfast foods made using a batter, as hotcakes, waffles, etc.
Resteg: Rest or relaxation time or leisure activity which has been set aside or planned and looked forward to.

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We got more vowels than we bargained for. Heading to the final letter (set to go where the bottommost I is), most any consonant would’ve put us well over 100, but the I gave us nearly nothing.

A piece of the paia

Grase: Juices (as of baked meat) used for basting or gravy, etc..
Viesy: Old age, in the sense of accumulated wisdom.
Desarb: To remove thorns or physical impediments.
Paia: The metaphor of Earth or the world as a giant pie.

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Blu Yonder, the opponent, did get a very similar score, so at least it was competitive.

Keep that yarse count up

Varsay: Knowledge orally passed from older to younger high school students or other adolescents.
Persig: A herb similar to sage used in savory dishes.
Yarse: Completion of a lap or other fixed unit of exercise or athletic competition.
Gerse: A grebe or small duck.

More from the word growing world

Somehow we seem to have overlooked a story we meant to link to in a previous post. It’s another experiment in word formation, exploring what might have been and opening our minds to what could be. With music to boot. Check out these inspired alternatives to everyday English making the rounds. As well as these mothers of invention and their offspring. And rounding out the housekeeping, fascinating adventures in translation, like the general theory of relativity into Blackfoot as “beautiful plantings.”


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