1 know what you did last night

We turn to trusted British news site The Guardian and agent 007 for today’s easily avoidable (with a little help from your Beans) error in English. The site reported that the new actor to play agent 007 has apparently been chosen, with Lashana Lynch slated to take over (presumably under a different character name) for Daniel Craig after James Bond retires from service in MI6. While we look forward to a freshening of the series, The Guardian certainly surprised us by first referring to the British secret intelligence service as M16, as in the military service rifle, only to seemingly cover up the spy scandal with a surreptitious sleight of text sometime in the dead of night (somewhere). The opening paragraph as it now appears says,

While Daniel Craig is set to reprise his role as James Bond in the next film, the franchise is set for a shake-up, with reports claiming that black British actor Lashana Lynch has been cast as 007 – taking over Bond’s secret agent number after his character leaves MI6.

Before the deed was undone, however, our own wily agents in the field were able, before going incognito, to secure and smuggle out through a cooperative though slightly annoyed Asian grackle, this screenshot:

Lashana Lynch taking over for Daniel Craig

And bird-lovers, fear not: No starlings were harmed in the execution of this sensitive reconnaissance mission. Especially after we exhorted upon the grackle how, considering that the security of the free world might well depend on her success or failure, it really was a mynah inconvenience.


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