Well, we decided to complete a trifecta of fakery to end the year at the site. More real-sounding words we noticed in games of Spell the Beans, which along with definitions out of thin air we call faux-cabulary. No points, but plenty of pride for these unpredictable pretenders. After a round handing over the defining reins to ChatGPT generative AI, we resume the full making up. First, a Spell the Coffee game on iPad, followed by a recent test of Love Letters on a Nexus 9 (Android 11.0, API 30 (R)).
Salau to all as we ring in the new year
Restal: In a state of rest: Astoundingly, the Parisian apartment had remained unchanged in its restal pre-war state for some eight decades.
Mudee: Originally a Scottish dessert beverage featuring coffee and ice cream, custard, pudding or yogurt, later any of an assortment of coffee-based frozen drinks.
Salau: (interjection) Said as a toast before drinking; (Chiefly British) Thanks; Goodbye.

Tiral: Tending to dissipate, dilute or weaken in the presence of an adjacent or surrounding medium or material: We’ll quaff a cup of mudee, ere the custard’s tiral vigor’s gone! (traditional Highlands song expressing the fleeting nature of joy).
Satee: A robe or nightgown worn in hot, humid climates.
Nuuk: (interjection) Expression of laughter, mirth, derision or schadenfreude. Originally Greenlandic: A lot of good that flimsy satee will do him up here beyond the Arctic Circle, nuuk nuuk.

Android efforts revisited
Orinia: Yawning with the mouth closed, so as not to show boredom or be impolite.
Setaic: Understated, as with irony: Wallingston was characteristically setaic in his casting of the situation, which truth be told was the most dire faced by the club in half a century.
Huntored: Previously proven or expounded upon, often unbeknownst to a student or scholar: This topic was actually extensively huntored by Lachernette (1732) in his first treatise on the physiology of orinia.
Jaderin: A green-tinted material similar to amber, capturing bubbles from underground springs and preserving them for millions of years. Often used for jewelry. Commonly found along Alaskan or Canadian Pacific coastlines.

In year-end app development news, we’re continuing to make new additions to the list of scoring words. As dictionaries like Oxford, Cambridge, Merriam-Webster, Collins and Dictionary.com update their entries, we strive to keep up with evolving language as well. The latest newcomer, however, came to our attention through the newswires: bombogenesis. That’s the weather phenomenon responsible for recent blizzard conditions across the eastern United States. Stay warm and stay tuned for that word and more in Spell the Beans version 1.5.3 coming in early 2023. Salau.
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