Making the best

Throwing (beans) and making (words) are our bread and butter. To the extent that making the best of bad circumstances prepares you for anything life might throw at you, we’d like to think we can help keep you on your toes that much more. Have a look below at a game where the letters didn’t look so good on paper, but we tallied a tidy 323 score nonetheless. Words we made are in bold letters.

Making the best of a bad thing - Spell the Coffee 323 points (#1) with FLARE


One of the general tips we recommend is to put less common letters toward the outer reaches of the bean or bubble pattern. We reserve the dense center for more common letters that can be used many ways. You can see in this game how we flung two Fs, a Q, a W, and a Y and K farther from the middle. For that matter, we often put Us in the second-to outermost spot. Partly because there are fewer opportunities to use Us, and also as insurance in case a Q comes up. We’ll often get fun, bun, bug, jug, etc., out of it.

Making the best of a bad thing - Spell the Coffee 323 points (#2) with FUNKY

Not turning up our noses or shying away from the unusual, we wore our funky nylon flare pants and aviator lenses for luck, and, like a March Madness play-in Cinderella, joined the dance. Giving up is for losers. Our insole stood the test as we rang up one word after another, seeing our score rise right up to the final siren. Our lone, sole disappointment was not completing a Q word. We’d hoped for queen, but no jubilee.

Making the best of a bad thing - Spell the Coffee 323 points (#3) with NYLON

Anyway, when life gives you Qs and you can’t squeeze out squat, make funky nylon flares. Dance. Rinse. Repeat. By the way, for the bubble lover in you, here’s an update on life at the speed of champagne. To your funky health.

Making the best of a bad thing - Spell the Coffee 323 points (#4) with RINSE


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